Monday, January 11, 2016

A cult?!

January 11, 2016


What a great week! Starting with district town centre street
Contacting in Wigan! Lots of people rejected us and we only got a
Couple responses and on top of that we had lots of bashers! We also
Had a Multi-Zone Conference on Wednesday in Chorley and lots of
Changes are happening, the biggest change is that there will be no
More transfer meetings on transfer days, just like it was in the good
Old days. It's going to be quite interesting.

Just a few days ago I was testifying against a born again Christian.
He called our church a ‘Cult’; I was shocked because I had no idea
what a cult was. So, after our discussion I went over and asked a member from my district about it, he said that it was, under the dictionary:  A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive
Control over members. So just a day ago my companion and I were on the bus and a man was trying to make a scene because we were trying to talk to him. He called us a cult and I asked him if he knew what that
was and he said some irrelevant answer. So I explained it to him,
after that he walked off talking about a totally different subject and
took the next stop. I was so happy that I could defend Christ's
Church. We just had some good times tracking a couple homes and getting a couple responses.

Well sorry this email is not as great as others, I have just run low on time but I love everyone back home!

Mom and family: hey everybody! Spencer great job with swim! I heard
you were lightning quick! Bryce, keep having fun and spending lots of
time with mom, dad, and your other brothers! Derek and Kaitlyn, keep
on keeping :) mom, thanks for everything and for sending a photo book!
Dad, keep up the good work and taking everyone for ice cream and
frozen yogurt! I love you all!

Elder Nichols

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